Cost Effective Marketing Items – Big Promotional Ideas That Will Put You Ahead

An effective promotion is more about big ideas and how you use your promotional materials effectively. Spread out your promotional dime easily with low cost promotional items.

 Low cost does not mean low quality! Choose from a range of superior quality promotional items that people will retain for a long time. The key to success is to find the right custom products and use these at the appropriate time.

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Ideally How Much should Promotional Items Cost?

There are no hard and fast rules on the promotional budget. You can set your own budget according to the scope and extent of your promotions and funds on hand. Choose the most appropriate items that match your promotional theme and strategy. Is it going to be tradeshow swag or employee gifts? Or may be a fund raising item? Everything will depend on how you plan to use those items and who you want to reach!

Promotional items offer a greater return on investment than most conventional forms of advertisements like radio and TV ads.  Some like keychains and pens will ensure an impression at a measly sum of approximately 1/10th of a cent per impression!

Here is a quick list of promotional items for some of the common promotional events that you may have on cards.

For Outdoor Promotions

Fall season is a perfect time for outdoor events and promotions. Engage your audience with your brand and message in a fun way with some of the popular handouts on offer. Sunglasses will make a perfect bet at outdoor events where anyone needs a bit of UV protection.

Promotional & Wedding Sunglasses

For Game Days and Marathons

A refreshing sip of one’s favorite chilled drink is pure bliss for anyone. Can coolers are budget friendly and available in a wide range of models and colors that everyone would appreciate. Get your brand and message imprinted on these budget friendly items to gain easy attention during game days, marathons and even store promotions.

Yucca I Insulated Can Sleeves

For Business Events

  • Sticky flag notepad

A sticky flag notepad will make a high utility item not just in office but home or even on the move.  When you just need a little reminder for a task now and organize your notes, it will be a great choice. Versatile and highly useful, these logo items will get a high retention and appreciation.

Promotional Notepad with Sticky Flags and Pen

  • Memo clips

Check out these attractive cube memo clips that make a highly useful and low budget item that will make your office work more organized.

Imprinted Memo Clips

  • Stylus pens: A dual tip stylus pen that serves as both a ballpoint pen and a stylus for smart screens is another practical gift to be considered.

 Carson Stylus Aluminium Pens

For Fund raising events

Pens and magnets are proven favorites in fund raising events. Choose from a wide range of models like business card magnets. Refrigerator magnets or car magnets will make great choice to add punch to your awareness campaigns and get across your message to a farther and wider audience.

Business Card Magnets 35 Mil Outdoor Safe Square Corner

Need more product tips for your events? Feel free to reach out to us.