Monthly Archives: June 2020

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Custom Band Aid- Sure fire Giveaways That Aid In Your Promotion Posted on June 8, 2020

Band aid was introduced for the first time in 1920 by Johnson & Johnson. Earle Dickson, an employee of J&J, made bandages that stick, for his wife who continually bruised herself during household chores. It was this product that made its way into the Johnson & Johnson product line. From being personal care items, band […]

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Branded Personal Care Items and PPE For Hotels Posted on June 5, 2020

Though all businesses are affected with Covid-19, some niches like hotels and hospitality are hit the hardest. Travel restrictions and social distancing brought down the shutters of hotels. However, in the wake of restrictions getting eased up in various parts of the world and travel services resuming, hotel businesses are on its come back mode. […]


Imprinted Gifts For The Great Outdoors – The Irresistible Marketing Tools Posted on June 5, 2020

In the Covid-19 aftermath, the outdoor fun and the summer activities might be down sized this year. However, we have some great summer staples that will motivate and inspire your audience to indulge in their favorite activities and remind them to stay safe. Whether your recipients are enjoying meals on restaurant decks, shopping or hosting […]


A Quick Guide On  How  To Choose A Hand Sanitizer Posted on June 5, 2020

Hand sanitizers may all look similar for an average Joe. Most people may look for the price rather than the features of hand sanitizers while picking it up from a chemist shop or super market. Here is a guide on the best ways to choose hand sanitizers. Gel  or Foam Sanitizer? Both foam and gel […]


Custom Yoga Mats- Healthy Brand Display At Easy Rates Posted on June 4, 2020

Yoga statistics show that yoga is among the top 10 fitness trends in the world today. It’s forecast that over 55 million people will practice yoga by 2020. In the year 2016  $16.8 billion was spent on  yoga classes, clothing and yoga gear, which  was 175% more from 2012. The mere fact that 56% of […]


World Environment Day- Be Responsible for Your Actions ( Infographics) Posted on June 4, 2020

June 5th is observed as World Environment day to spread awareness on the importance of being ecofriendly and socially committed. Even small gestures like switching off lights and technology after use or reusing stuff, avoiding wastage of food etc can all make a phenomenal change in reducing your carbon footprints. Walking to office or car […]


How To Celebrate Team Spirit With Corporate Fun Activities Posted on June 4, 2020

All work and no play will never make your team the best in town. Make sure that your employees have ample opportunities for team building and fun activities to reinforce the team spirit of your employees. Corporate holiday themes galore; here are a few suggestions that will inspire you to plan a perfect corporate weekend […]


Corporate Apparel Style Tips and gift ideas for Industry Tradeshows Posted on June 4, 2020

Corporate apparels make an extension of your brand identity and will make your team stand out.  Whether it is a formal business event like tradeshows or something casual like golf weekend, custom apparels will leave a lasting impression.  For instance if you are attending a financial convention, a suit jacket or blazer is a must […]

Father’s Day gifts – Check Out our New Arrivals in Custom products

Father’s Day gifts – Check Out our New Arrivals in Custom products Posted on June 4, 2020

Countdown for Father’s Day is on and there are only a few weeks left for everyone to come up with some great gifts and party ideas to thank and honor all the father figures in one’s lives. Businesses can be part of this joyous occasion by handing out appropriate personalized items to thank the elderly […]

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Eco Friendly Handouts That You Cannot Overlook In Your Promotions Posted on June 3, 2020

Adopting eco-friendly practices at home or at work has become a norm and a way of life for people. There is a growing awareness on the importance of using ecofriendly items and the impact that it can have in everyday lives. From paperless offices to cultivation using less water and ride sharing- business owners have […]