A Few Tips To Know Whether it is time to Update Your custom Products

Handing out the same promotional items during branding campaigns is not the best way to go about it. Change is good and the same is applicable to custom items as well. Fresh and innovative gift ideas will leave a positive influence in the minds of the customers.


But how to find out whether it is time to update your promotional gift list? Here are a few tips.

To announce a logo change: Has your brand logo changed recently? If yes, it is a perfect time for an update. A new promotional gift idea will help you to spread your new brand identity and to build brand loyalists. Imprint your new logo, message and artwork on the promotional items to share it among the target audience. By choosing a new promotional gift, you can easily retain the attention of the recipients.

Promotional gifts should be purposeful: Gifts should be handed out for a specific reason to make it stay in the memory of the recipients. If you have been doling out logo gifts at random all these days, it is time to create a plan so that the gifts have a specific purpose. Be it as loyalty gifts, promotional gifts or awareness gifts, the gifts should have a specific purpose to make it more meaningful and special for the recipients.

Opt for the latest trending gifts: If you have been re-ordering the same items every year, it is time to think about something new. Make sure to get on top of the latest trends while choosing logo gifts as nobody will be interested to get the same old boring stuff every time. Look for something interesting and exciting, which your recipients will love to retain for a long time. Technology gifts are well poised to be the most popular promotional gift items in 2017 as per the predictions. So, by including these items into your marketing mix, you can stay ahead in the race easily.

When your employees give away logo items: An easy way to gauge the popularity of custom gifts is to watch the reaction of your employees to the logo gifts that you had ordered. If they donā€™t use these themselves or quickly give away these logo items, it could be a red flag as the items may not be a good representation of your brand. Before ordering promotional gifts, ask the opinion of your employees to know the popular gifts doing the rounds and the tastes and preferences of the customers. Your employees will surely be able to share some brilliant gift ideas with you.

Better still, you can change your promotional gifts every other time to infuse an element of freshness to your campaign. Does the task appear too overwhelming? We at ProImprint will help you to get the promotional products updated and impress your clients right away. We are only a call away!