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Custom Printed Pet Paw Canister Wipes
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Model #: PI223071

Custom Printed Pet Paw Canister Wipes are presented in a set of 30 antibacterial pet paw wipes in canister. These custom pet supplies are exceptional in keeping pets clean and healthy while at home, travelling or at outdoors. Snap it close to keep the rest of wipes moist and clean for the next use. Easy dispensing is assured by pop open lid and it offers an extra large imprint space of 6.2992" W x 2.0866" H. Order these custom products presented in a white canister quickly to gain free online proofs, free design and best price guarantee offers. Request a quote to know the value savings that you can avail on bulk orders of Custom Printed Pet Paw Canister Wipes.

Custom Printed Pet Paw Canister Wipes

as low as: $1.26 $0.94 (for 750+ Qty)
Quantities/Price Each - Imprinted
Regular Price
Special Price
250 - 349
350 - 499
500 - 749
750 - 999
1000 +
Quantities/Price Each - Blank
Regular Price
Special Price
250 - 499
500 - 749
750 +
or Call 1-844-776-4677 For Personal Assistance.
*Product Color:
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Unit Price: $0.98
Imprint Method Setup: $64.99
NewTotal Price: $309.99 In stock
Art Requirements

Custom Printed Pet Paw Canister Wipes are presented in a set of 30 antibacterial pet paw wipes in canister. These custom pet supplies are exceptional in keeping pets clean and healthy while at home, travelling or at outdoors. Snap it close to keep the rest of wipes moist and clean for the next use. Easy dispensing is assured by pop open lid and it offers an extra large imprint space of 6.2992" W x 2.0866" H. Order these custom products presented in a white canister quickly to gain free online proofs, free design and best price guarantee offers.

Request a quote to know the value savings that you can avail on bulk orders of Custom Printed Pet Paw Canister Wipes.

Available Color: White
Product Size: 3.25"H x 2" D
Imprint Area: 6.2992" W x 2.0866" H
Imprint Method: Full Color laminated decal
Carton Weight: 34 lbs
Packaging: 196 Pieces
Features: 30 antibacterial pet paw wipes in canister. Great cleaning promotional product for keeping your beloved pet clean and safe.
Production Time: 7-10 Business Days*
Delivery time is Based on the shipping method selected.

We expect customers to send us artwork files in editable formats (.EPS, .PSD, .AI, .PDF, etc) with all fonts converted into curves/outlines.
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