Popular Ways to Celebrate National Spinach Day

National Spinach Day, which falls on 26th March every year is a great occasion to celebrate the nutritional value of this leafy green plant and make it popular beyond the Popeye show on TV!

It is another story, that after the character started eating spinach, children in the US became ardent fans of spinach and the sales saw a surge by one-third. Rich in antioxidants and nutrients such as Iron, Vitamin A and Calcium, spinach should ideally be a part of a balanced diet.


Originally from Iran, spinach is also referred to  as “Herb of Persia”. It made its way to China in the 7th century; and later on to Spain and other countries in Europe. Its cultivation in North America started in the early 1800s.

Spinach was made popular by 16th-century noblewoman, Catherine de’ Medici, wife of King Henry II  of France. She loved spinach with every meal and hence spinach is often known as “Florentine” in reference to the birthplace of Catherine de’ Medici.

How to Celebrate National Spinach Day

Marketers especially in the food  industry,  health care or schools can think of creative ideas to celebrate the wonders of spinach. So, try out some of these ideas; or come up with other innovative ideas of your own for National Spinach Day.

Serve Spinach in various interesting ways

Further, offices can organize a recipe contest for their employeeson National Spinach Day. Those who come up with the best recipes get interesting custom giveaways as prizes and tons of accolades!

Cookery contest

 Businesses can organize Spinach cookery contests in various categories like breads, soup and sauces to make it even more popular. It will also give a wonderful opportunity for everyone to try out something new or bring back the secrets of their grandma’s recipes to the world outside. It will indeed offer a hat full of ideas for everyone , to make the finicky eaters in their family who may not prefer to eat it straight up.

Quiz programs on health benefits of Spinach

Schools and non profits can organize awareness programs and quiz contests on the nutritional value of spinach. Ideal to eat as fresh and raw or even  cooked, spinach remains one of the healthier vegetables. Think of interesting handouts like coloring books to make the event memorable.

Try Growing Spinach in the Garden

Schools can take initiative to grow their own spinach in their garden, to ensure adequate supply for kids and teachers. It is easy to grow and propagate as well.

So, get your leafy greens down on National Spinach Day!