How Marketers Can Turn Holiday Promotions To Their Advantage

Holidays are right here and it is a season where shopping lists never seem to end for customers. So, it is indeed a great time for marketers to reach out to this crowd that won’t quit with some interesting promotional giveaways and ideas.

Here are five ways to make your holiday promotions effective

Make it relevant  

Your holiday advertisements should be relevant  for the customers to get their attention. Consumers are likely to get tons of irrelevant publicity material during the holidays. So, make sure  that your message gets the attention that it deserves by offering what they look forward to. You can even organize  a survey to ask customers exactly what they’re looking for. and include those items in your inventory.

Website makeover

Showcase the latest holiday gifts that you offer to let your visuals do the talking. It will make your promotional content more interesting for the prospects.

Include a holiday theme

Bring in a holiday theme to your website homepage or emails to make it interesting. Make sure that your website is easy to navigate so that the customers can easily  find what they’re looking for.

Highlight your call to action message

A call to action message will surely help your customers make decisions and take them to the next step.

Mobile friendly

Ensure that your website is mobile friendly because  85 percent of Americans use smartphones for shopping. A mobile friendly design will obviously make it easy for customers to connect with your business while marketers do not miss out on any section of the users.

Add a personal touch

 Your holiday promotions should ideally stand out for its unique feel and personal  touch. It will help your business to stand out in the buzzing holiday market and draw the prospects closer to your brand. You can even include holiday fashion tips or recipes in your upcoming email newsletter to add a fun twist to the holiday promotions. 

Your advertisements need not always be talking about your products. Stand out and be personal so that your customers have a special reason to support your brand. It is indeed a subtle way to humanize your brand and show your customers it’s not all about branding.

Adopt an engaging tone

 Keep communications interesting and engaging to make sure that your customers love it. Moreover, you don’t necessarily require a ridiculous deal or giveaways to get people excited about your holiday promotion.

Add more images and video

Ensure a visual experience for the customers by adding engaging holiday snapshots or videos of the holiday décor of your shop or the employees preparing for the holidays. It will indeed make an interesting promotional material that is worth sharing with your fans and followers.

Highlight reviews

Reports show that most customers rely on online reviews before buying a product. Include relevant reviews, feedback and ratings in your holiday newsletters. It will also enhance your brand reputation.

Engage the audience

 Get your prospects engage with your content by asking them what’s on their mind through surveys and forms. It will show that you are genuinely interested to know about their preferences than just making a sale.

Did you find these holiday promotional ideas interesting? Share your thoughts with us in our comments.