Holiday sales 2019 – Trends and Predictions  ( Infographics)

Holidays are right here! It is the busiest shopping season of the year that accounts for the biggest revenue for retailers.  The holiday list is dotted with many red letter days like Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Christmas and New Year. Holiday shopping spree often extends right up to valentine’s Day or even beyond. Here are some interesting holiday sales  predictions and stats for 2019

Holiday gifts

Holiday sales will grow between 3.8 and 4.2%

It is estimated that holiday sales will grow between 3.8 and 4.2 percent this year to hit between $727.9 billion and $730.7 billion.  To cash in on this boom, retailers often adopt interesting promotional events and special sales. Some of the most popular freebies include candies and chocolates to jackets , beanies and insulated drinkware and tech accessories.

40% of All Online Sales Will Likely Be Made via Mobile Devices

Shoppers prefer to browse and shop on the move. Making your online stores mobile friendly will play a decisive role in drawing the customers who prefer to shop on their mobile devices. Offer them the convenience of an incredible shopping experience right at their finger tips!

Be holiday ready early

22% of people plan to start their holiday shopping in October. So, the retailers need to make sure to stock up the most trending items well in advance to cater to the holiday shoppers. Special deals, gifts and contests will go a long way in enhancing the holiday shopping experience

1496 $ will be the  average holiday spending  per family

Holiday season is the time for most people to loosen their purse strings and splurge. With the biggest shopping festival of Black Friday only a few weeks away, the excitement is palpable. This year 1496 $ will be the average holiday spending per family. However, high spenders that account for 60% of shoppers may spend more than 2100$ .

Retailers may hire more temporary workers to handle the holiday rush

There will be a steep rise in the number of temporary workers that are recruited. The seasonal hiring of temporary hands by retailers this year is expected to be 590000 as against 554000 last year.