Thanksgiving Day 2020- A Perfect Time To Thank The Resilience of your Prospects 

Thanksgiving Day 2020 which falls on November 26th is a great time to be thankful for everyone and everything we have in our lives even amidst the hardships of COVID-19. Though the pandemic has taken the sheen off many holidays and events, Thanks giving will motivate everyone to be grateful  for what we still have.


Let’s see the silver line on the dark clouds cast by the pandemic. People across the world have endured shutdowns and quarantines. Supply chains and medical systems continue to operate though in a lower capacity. There have been no large-scale bankruptcies and the economy of most countries is ticking along though at a very slow pace! Had the pandemic struck a decade or two ago, the damage could have been overwhelming considering the lack of online tools and platforms at that time. Timing indeed has helped ease the burden.

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Thanks to Zoom and online platforms that kept business meetings on and team training as per schedule. Schools and universities have shifted to online mode fairly easily. Lectures, project work and group discussions are recorded and streamed. Zoom even made virtual happy hours and virtual family gatherings come true. Thanks to online delivery, most people could buy food without any major issues.

Though travel and airline cancellations have affected business and people seriously, on a brighter note, people found time to be at home with their kith and kin. It was something that would not have been possible otherwise. It was time for people to pick up new hobbies like cooking or gardening and spend more time with their kids and aged parents.

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Even when it comes to remaining at home, Netflix and Amazon Prime Video took care of the entertainment needs apart from a host of other forms of sofa entertainment like Apple Arcade, or Google Stadia. Thanks giving 2020 is an important time to reflect on the challenges, be together with family, be more thankful to people around and give back to the community.

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While Thanksgiving is typically celebrated at home, there are still ways to bring the giving spirit to the office.  From planning fund raising for the needy to donations to the less privileged, Thanks giving 2020 has taught us to be thankful to all the people in our lives – like never before.  The healthcare personnel, teachers, truck drivers, office workers – the list of people to be thankful is truly limitless. Thank them for their unimaginable resilience in keeping things together even in the most challenging times.

Businesses can take time to thank their customers and employees that stood  by them in these difficult times with these thoughtful custom thanksgiving gifts that will make them truly valued. Give back to the community by volunteering at a local soup kitchen or charity organization donate food to the needy.

While having fun and enjoying some family time, it will be  a great moment to stay thankful to all the people around that have been with you in these challenging times during the pandemic.