Search Results for: christmas


Why Sunglasses Make Perfect Christmas Presents For Your  Prospects Posted on December 10, 2019

Sunglasses may not ring a bell as a Christmas gift atleast for some people. But believe it or not, a pair of sunglasses can be an exciting gift under the tree. Here are some reasons that say why sunglasses are great winter season and Xmas gifts. Winter eye care  Sun is hidden; but it won’t […]

Custom Christmas Gifts (1)

Custom Christmas Gifts- Something Special For Everyone Posted on December 10, 2019

Christmas makes a special time of the year that create warm memories and festive joy. Personalized Christmas gifts from ProImprint will make a great way to spread the holiday cheer and dress up the tree for everyone in your gift list. For the gourmets Tug the hearts of your recipients with the sweet delights of […]

Dear Corporates, get ready to ditch the red tradition this Christmas! Posted on December 9, 2019

Every year, Santa is coming in his red suit, making his way down the chimney, leaving presents for all well mannered children out there and taking his trip back! But, why the same boring red furry suit every year? Why can’t he try a different color in his dressing style? Before answering the same, we […]

Wine Themed Gifts Make Great Christmas Gifts

Proven! Wine Themed Gifts Make The Most Effective Christmas Gifts For Brand Promotions Posted on December 6, 2019

Christmas for most people is a great occasion to party hard and to have all the fun in the world. For marketers, however, it makes a great occasion to stretch their promotional dollars and to reach out to the maximum prospects without breaking their budget.  For this, they may need popular gifts like barware items […]


Custom Christmas Gifts Under $5 for the Budget Conscious Posted on December 5, 2019

Ho- Ho- Ho Christmas fun is rolling in faster than you thought! As Santa gets ready to set out on a sleigh ride to visit the earthly mortals and to hand out some gifts, it makes a great time for marketers to look for some lovely Christmas gift ideas to promote their brand. To help […]

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Promote Your Brand and Deck Up Your Patrons’ Christmas Trees Alike With These Logo Ornaments Posted on December 3, 2019

A tastefully decorated Christmas tree will light up the festive spirit and joy in everyone who sees it. For marketers who are planning a Christmas themed promotional campaign in the days ahead can check out these custom gift ideas that double up as Christmas tree decorations for your customers. Light up glass ornaments: A well […]

ProImprint’s Staff Favorites- Christmas And New Year Gifts

ProImprint’s Staff Favorites- Christmas And New Year Gifts Posted on December 2, 2019

Holiday cheer and fun is at its crescendo and everyone is busy getting their gifts packed and readied to make sure that it reaches their special recipients on time. Businesses have been working overtime to send across their corporate gifts and holiday gifts to their customers and clients as a mark of appreciation and happiness. […]

New Arrivals In Custom Christmas Gifts (1)

New Arrivals In Custom Christmas Gifts That Will Make Your Competitors Go Green With Envy! Posted on December 2, 2019

During Christmas season, retail sales hit the roof literally as businesses make the biggest profits of the year. Personalized gifts will make a perfect choice to promote your brand and spread the message to your audience in a fun way without being intrusive. Christmas takes credit to a high pitched festive atmosphere and makes a […]


Santa Themed Promotional Gifts For Christmas Promotions Posted on November 29, 2019

Have you got stockings and sacks hung already for Santa to drop his secret gifts this Christmas? While Santa will surely be secretive about the choice of gifts that he will be bringing for you, we at ProImprint have listed out a few cute gifts in Santa themes for you to handout for your family, […]

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Christmas Food And Wine Gifts That Nobody Can Overlook Posted on November 28, 2019

Christmas makes the perfect time of the year when you can browse through an inspiring range of food and wine gifts. These lip smacking food gifts will not just help the marketers to reach out to the gourmets but to make their Christmas celebration an unforgettable experience. Studies show that smell and taste overshadows the […]