How to Make Great Custom Campaign Buttons

Campaigns – big and small  play a key role  in selecting the  most popular candidate for any college, office, community right up to the White House. If you are looking for a budget friendly way to get your message on top of the minds of your supporters at rallies and events, custom buttons will make a perfect choice. Easy to customize and distribute and incredibly budget friendly, custom buttons are perfect choices for all types of candidates.

A well-designed button is important. Think beyond the slogan or  the image , come up with creative  ideas that will cut ice with the audience and leave  a lasting impression in their minds. Buttons might be small, but they can be made persuasive to be an elevator pitch for the candidate.

Make It Unique

Custom buttons are available in various other shapes than the customary round shaped buttons. Make sure to choose a unique shape that makes it stand out from that of the opponent’s. Buttons should reflect the campaign theme and colors for the best impact.

Graphics are important

The graphic image that you choose for the custom buttons should be eye catching and appropriate. It also has to be clearly legible from far away. Choose high-contrast images with good resolution that will show up well.

Choose a Strong but Short Slogan

You have only a small imprint space on the button. So each word has to count. Think of  a power packed tagline or buzz phrase that your audience will remember for long. Make sure to not use long sentences that are confusing.

Choose a model that will match the event

When it comes to the size and type of campaign buttons, it’s important to think about the type of the event . For instance for a college election, you can choose custom buttons that can be pinned on the backpacks whereas in a mass election rally, you can consider a smaller button that is easier to distribute.

Order An Appropriate Quantity

Consider the size of the event and the campaign rally that you may be planning before placing order for custom buttons . As they are budget friendly custom giveaways, you can still afford to order in surplus.  However plan properly to avoid the pain of being left with tons of left overs

No matter how you choose to go about, the golden rule is that buttons need to be legible  handy and eye catching. You have a lot of creative freedom when crafting the perfect button for the specific campaign you are planning for.

So, what are you waiting for? Explore our complete line of custom buttons to choose a model that will fit your needs and budget.