Fun Promotional Gift Ideas For Labor Day

Labor Day is the last summer holiday for most people. The nice balmy weather and the lowest gas prices are all expected to churn out a massive holiday crowd outdoors. For marketers it makes a perfect time to reach out to a huge audience looking for a thrilling holiday during the unofficial end of summer by handing out interesting promotional gifts.

labor day

Brand building need not always be a serious business. Sometimes all it takes is a bright and big grin to enhance your advertising! Check out these fun gift ideas and custom toys and novelties that will help you make a fun twist to your pent-up marketing campaign.

Boomerang: Boomerangs are loads of fun and laughter. These will help you stand out in every event and tradeshow. Your recipients will surely love your brand for this unique gift that others might not have thought of! Available in vibrant colors, these fun toys that scuttle past the air is a great way to grab the attention of all the holiday makers at the park or the beach. The best part is that your message will get back to the hands of your recipients even after a vigorous throw!5 Inch Promotional Logo Jewel Flyers with 6 Colors

Beach balls and inflatables No Labor Day holiday can be complete without the summer staples of beach balls. Available in various vibrant colors, these balls that are imprinted with your brand and message will enjoy a warm welcome and long retention among your recipients. The best part- beach balls are for every season and holiday and not just for Labor Day. So your brand is all set to enjoy an impressive exposure for a long time to come!Custom Inflatable Head & Neck Pillows

Inflatable chairs These comfy chairs come handy for garden parties, beach holidays and pool side party among others. Your recipients can kick back, relax and enjoy sitting over these inflatables and your brand will enjoy a wide angle brand display.Custom Lounge Inflatable Chairs

Beach Bum Inflatable Pillow with Speakers: Let your recipients plug in their favorite music even when they are lying in the beach or garden with these inflatable pillow. The headphone jack allows users to plug the portable speaker into their smartphones, MP3 players and iPads. After the use, recipients can deflate these pillows and store it for future.Customized Beach Bum Inflatable Pillow with Speakers

Playing cards: Every time your clients play a game of Gin Rummy or Go Fish, the logo and message on the back of the cards will make the trump card for your promotion. Logo imprinted playing cards will make a perfect fun gift for Labor Day holidays and we bet, your recipients will surely remember your brand imprinted on these for a very long time to come.Logo Imprinted Double Playing Cards in Case

Fun toys are the best ways to relax and to bring out the silly self in everyone. Celebrate tomfoolery and the childhood nostalgia at its best with some of our logo items during the Labor Day weekend. Shop right away, don’t miss the fun!

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