5 weird taco fillings to try on this National Taco day!

You guys love tacos right! Us too! Well, here is a day for all taco lovers out there. This taco day, let us meet some weird tacos! Yes, you heard right! You might know some actually great yummilicious tacos, but what if we try something twisted this time for a change? Some might be an actual disaster that will make you say “eww  … Gross” or might be something actually good enough to win you over! So let’s dig in!

Peanut Butter, Chicken and Pickle Taco


Do we need to say more about this combination? Peanut butter and chicken is considered as a budget dish but pickle? Seriously? Now if you try to identify the taste, it might be somewhat sweet, spicy and savory! It might be fun to taste something like that! Well, try one the next time and enjoy weirdness at its best!


Scrambled egg, sausage inside a waffle taco with honey!


You heard that right! It’s a breakfast taco and it received a lot of attention when taco bells first announced Waffle taco to the public. This happened in 2013, later they replaced this with similarly constructed biscuit tacos. Try this breakfast taco and let us know your feedbacks!

Banana Mayonnaise taco


Banana? Good! Mayonnaise? Good! But what happens when they get wrapped up in a single taco? We can understand your face expression! But actually you can try this at home! It’s easy right! You just need one taco shell, a banana and some mayonnaise and that’s it! Quick breakfast!

Sushi Taco


Now this is not that weird, it actually tastes good (if you like sushi)! This is like blending two nations, right? A mix of Mexican taco shells and Chinese Sushi! It’s made with raw fish and rice; it’s stuffed inside a traditional taco shell and topped with jalapeños. If you are a sushi lover, you should definitely go for it!

Larvae Taco


For this one, your first expression might be “eww…!” How do you feel about eating bugs? It looks like a crime, but on the other hand, this one tastes fantastic! If you have that gut-feeling about larvae taco, try it for sure!
No matter what, taco day is something that should be celebrated! You could always show your love to taco by wearing customized taco love t-shirts or printed taco designed tote bags.